MTG Builders is a community of players devoted to building the future of Magic

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MTG Deck Builder

How does it work?
Read the twitter thread
or keep scrolling

Smart Brew

Drag cards wherever you want on the virtual table!
Not sure about a specific card? Drag it on the "Temporary" area.
Observe the stats instantly change based on your actions.
Use keyboard shortcuts to quickly move between Binder, Table, Filters and Details.

Filter Everything

Give me only Simic cards. With Escape.
Type? Hmm... Giant only - oh boy!
Every color now.
Can also be of type Creature, but cannot be Giant. Nah, keep Giant.
Don't filter for Escape, but keep it there, in case I change my mind.
You know what? I don't care about Escape.
Oh, I wonder if there are non-Creature Giant cards...

Discord Bots

When a new deck is created, discord bots will post its URL in the just-brewed channel of the corresponding category.
Only interested in BO3 Modern decks? Unmute the just-brewed channel in the BO3-Modern category!
Wanna playtest a SMOrc deck? Write in the R channel in the BO1-Standard category!


Personalize your Profile page.
Add a deck to your Favorites.
Follow authors you esteem. Your Feed section will be made up of decks they create.
Authors won't know you're following them, nor how many followers they have.

Build upon

Improve existing decks! Click on the Builder icon to import any deck into your Builder.
Take inspiration, and build something much more powerful.

Uncommon ~ Monthly


Unlock social features

Discord access

Create up to 20 decks

Export decks

Uncommon ~ Annual


Unlock social features

Discord access

Create up to 20 decks

Export decks

+100 Coins

Rare ~ Monthly


Unlock social features

Discord access

Create up to 60 decks

Export decks

Create private decks

Rare ~ Annual


Unlock social features

Discord access

Create up to 60 decks

Export decks

Create private decks

+500 Coins

Check out with PayPal